

Membership Information is detailed below.... 

Step 1 : Complete the Membership Application Form

This first step is to complete the membership application form.  You can either complete the online application form on this site or download a hardcopy version of the form, fill it in and bring it along to the Club on a Wednesday evening from 19:00.

Step 2 : Wait for a Club Official to Contact you

Once your application form has been processed, a Club Official will contact you to invite the applicant to attend the next assessment evening (please note, we only hold 3 assessment evenings per year). The assessment should take no longer than 30 minutes. Once assessed, the applicant will be assigned to a class most suited to their swimming ability.

Step 3 : Start Swimming or Join the Waiting List

Once the applicant has been assessed and allocated to a suitable class, a Club Official will contact you when a place is available. If there are spaces available in the allocated class, a Club Official will contact you to arrange a start date. Unfortunately, some of our classes are at capacity and we are unable to take on any more swimmers. Under these circumstances, applicants are added to a waiting list for the next available space.

Membership FAQ's

How old do you have to be to join?

All applicants must be a minimum of 6 years old.

Do I have to wait until the applicant is 6 years old before applying?

No. You can complete an application form for any child at any age. Once the Form is complete the applicant will be added to the waiting list. Once the applicant is old enough they will be next in line for a place.

How long is the waiting list?

The waiting list varies from class to class. The longest waiting list tends to be for the Learning Pool, Teaching Pool and first lane in the Main Pool. In certain cases, it could take up to 12 months to acquire a place.

Once on the waiting list do I just simply wait for a call?

Yes. However, if the applicant is enrolled in Council Swimming lessons or at School and has progressed - please contact the Club to arrange another assessment. The applicant may have progressed to the next class up at Birtley - there maybe spaces in this class.

How much does it cost?

Annual Membership is £25.00 per member. Each member must also pay £4.00 weekly subscriptions for attending on a Wednesday evening. The weekly subscription is payable for the duration of your Membership, whether you are able to attend or or not.  We are no longer able to offer a reduced Subscription if you are unable to attend. 

Where am I on the waiting list?

To find out where you are on the waiting list, please contact a Club Official. Club Instructors don't have access to waiting list information, so they may not be able to provide you with an answer.

I haven't heard anything for 12 months

In some cases, for classes with a high demand, the waiting list can be 12 months+. We advise all applicant to keep in regular contact with the club and advise us of any progress made regarding the applicant's swimming ability.

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